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Lavalamp effect

Sliding the background in a navigation to the current element is named lavalamp effect. I found a good tutorial and altered it a bit ...


<div id="teaserNav">

Connect to google docs

Only not to forget it ... if you want to connect to a google doc (fEx a sheet to read data) you have to setup a Service account (Dienstkonto) at Google Cloud IAM.

Hand- und Ergotherapie in Innsbruck Brigitte Stärz

Onepager Ergotherapie

Inspieriert von HTML 5 UP habe ich für die Ergotherapeutin in Innsbruck Brigitte Stärz eine Website aus nur einem einzigen Dokument erstellt, die alle Leistungen von Handtherapie bis zur Therapie v

Get active trails in expanded menu

On one drupal site, I use a multilevel menu as the main menu and set it to 'expand all' in the menu block settings. I don't know, if this is the usual behaviour - but with this setup I  loose the active trails indicator on the menu array in twig. It took some while to find a solution for this problem ...

Drupal, fast dump

During development, it's comfortable to have a command in bash history to create a quick development dump:

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