To get the latest 64bit Version of IrfanView running on Ubuntu with wine, without snap - do the following:
winetricks mfc42
Winetricks may be installed with apt if they are not present on your system.
Download IrfanView***.exe from the official download page.
Install it with:
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/wine_iview" wine iview460_x64_setup.exe
Do a testrun with:
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/wine_iview" wine "$HOME/wine_iview/drive_c/Program Files/IrfanView/i_view64.exe"
Create a shortcut / bash alias with the following line:
echo "alias irfanview='WINEPREFIX=\"\$HOME/wine_iview\" wine \"\$HOME/wine_iview/drive_c/Program Files/IrfanView/i_view64.exe\"'" >> ~/.bashrc && exec bash
Now, it's enough to run 'irfanview' as command to enjoy the wonderful batch conversion with irfanview out of ubuntu.
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